Four Winning OOH Billboard Campaigns To Inspire Your Next Ad

September 27, 2024
Ad Design, Advertising, Best Practices, Branding, Marketing

For well over a century, successful brands have been relying on OOH advertising to reach their business goals. In fact, according to Statista, OOH advertising amounted to $33.38 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $40.86 billion by 2025.

A stroll down Rodeo Drive, you’ll see many major brands spending millions each year on OOH and billboard campaigns to stand out.The numbers certainly don’t lie either; 90% of Americans notice billboard ads and 71% say OOH stands out far better than a mobile ad.

However, for most SMB’s, a Hollywood sized advertising budget isn’t realistic. That’s where Blip comes in. With the flexibility to stop, start, and run campaigns around your busy season, Blip makes OOH advertising an effective solution—no matter your spend.

With Blip, SMB’s and franchises are now going head-to-head with major conglomerates, no longer bound by traditional contracts or ties to an outdated industry, Blip is revolutionizing an OOH for advertisers in need of a serious lift.

So how can local businesses and franchises replicate the success of big-box brands to cement their local presence? Let’s explore four timelessly innovative brands and learn from their creativity so you can apply their strategies in your next campaign.


Strategy #1: Discover Your Moat

Brand | RE/MAX

How do you stand-out in a market that’s overly saturated, fiercely competitive, and facing intensified pressure as new technology disrupts the market?

Let time do the talking. As one of the longest standing real estate franchises, boasting nearly 50+ years of experience, owning their tenure has become essential for establishing credibility. While brand recognition may not be an issue, RE/MAX did more than just rely on their reputation—they’ve curated a variety of billboards built on accolades and long-standing trust—an indomitable moat.

How to Apply it

Start by completing a SWOT analysis, focusing on your brand’s strengths and opportunities. These could include proprietary technology, unique products or services, strong brand loyalty, cost advantages, or superior customer service. Most importantly, turn to your customers, harnessing their perception and how it contributes to long-term value creation.


Strategy #2: Simplicity is Key

Brand | Barbie

In the summer of 2022, Barbie was the most anticipated movie of the summer—but faced stiff competition as a runner-up closed in on the title. So how did they create a campaign that would blow people’s minds?

Like a celebrity without a last name, Barbie made a bold statement by saturating major U.S. cities with a single, powerful message: electric pink. From Generation Z to X, this campaign’s wordless message resonated as the most impactful statement of the season. Leaving the competition with an abomination of envy and awe.

How to Apply it:

First and foremost, use the golden rule of billboard advertising: less is more. Studies indicate that a passerby will receive nearly 5 times as many OOH impressions as with a typical ad, but they may only glance at it briefly. However, with a strong message, it can leave a lasting impression. Tap into the core human emotions your brand evokes—whether joy, inspiration, affection, or fear—and use concise, impactful statements to convey your message effectively.


Strategy #3: Lean on Laughter

Brand | Surreal Cereal

When name-brand cereals enlist medalists and Olympians for their sugar-coated morning fuel, how do you secure a similar endorsement for your product?

Operating without a celebrity sponsorship budget, the team at Surreal got creative by featuring an everyday Dwayne Johnson (the bus driver, not the wrestler) to capture the attention of breakfast enthusiasts. Humor proved not only effective but also highlighted the brand’s relatability and down-to-earth appeal.

How to Apply It:

Humor, along with emotion, is a proven driver of successful advertising campaigns and can lead to viral effects. Customize your approach to resonate with your core audience and current trends. Start by testing your ads online or conducting focus groups to identify triggers and moments that will resonate most effectively.


Ad #4: Create a Movement

Brand | Nuud Gum

Understanding the power of making a positive impact, the team at Nuud asked, “What are the core values of our target audience?

Nuud Gum’s anti-plastic campaign critiqued competitors while aligning with the values cherished by their target audience. By evoking fear and disgust towards chewing plastic, they positioned themselves as champions ready to save the planet.

How to Apply It:

Gain a deep understanding of your target audience’s core motivations. Identify their deepest fears and aspirations. Determine which values they hold dear, whether directly related to your brand or not, and align your messaging and mission to portray your brand as ultimately in harmony with their core identity.

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