Like millions of Americans across the country, Terra was inspired to voice her support for the Black community in light of George Floyd’s death. She wanted something that would not be ignored, something eye-catching, and effective. Terra, a marketing professional, immediately thought of digital billboards. She contacted the Chair of the local Black Lives Matter chapter in Utah, who is a friend and provided some input.
She logged onto Blip’s website and used the free Instant Artwork feature to create three separate digital art pieces with the simple and powerful message “Black Lives Matter.” As a professional graphic designer herself, Terra would have taken the time to design an ad from the ground up, and resize it to dozens of different billboard formats. Blip’s Instant Artwork, however, did the job for her with a few clicks.
“That’s all I wanted. A simple message to make our Black community feel loved here in Utah. And it took less than a minute to design three ads in Instant Artwork. It was awesome!”
Terra’s passion for Black Lives Matter is infectious. Her creativity and dedication to the movement has inspired thousands. She told us about a woman who drove her and her family 45 minutes to park and watch Terra’s billboard Blip to say “Black Lives Matter”. Terra’s experience is a reminder of how effective billboards are as a broadcast medium, when made accessible to a everyone.
Blip continually innovates new methods of facilitating access to billboards as a mass messaging and brand-building medium. In Terra’s case, Instant Artwork made it possible to share ideas and spread messages of love to thousands of people with relative ease.
That night Terra posted her billboard to Facebook and asked for donations so she could Blip more ads on several different highways. Her page went viral. At time of this writing, Terra had 72 billboards up in almost every state across the country.
“I have had friends who want to run their own billboard campaigns. All I had to do was direct them to the Instant Artwork landing page. Everything is really intuitive from there!”