Bilp Billboards
October 24, 2022
Best Practices

Webinar Recap: How to Grab Attention with Your Billboard: Design Best Practices Seeing is believing. For customers to know you exist, they need to see it – and for them to believe you could be the answer to their problem, what they see has to matter. That presents a stellar opportunity for out-of-home digital billboard […]

Google Analytics Webinar
October 12, 2022
Best Practices

Webinar Recap: Google Analytics + Out-of-Home Attribution Tracking the results of an offline medium like billboards can be tricky. Check out our webinar recap to learn how to use Google Analytics to help with your out-of-home advertising attribution. To sum up a marketer’s main challenge, we can paraphrase an age-old industry quote: half of our advertising works […]

Political Webinar
September 20, 2022
Best Practices

Webinar Recap: How Every Political Campaign Should Be Running Billboard Advertising Elections matter, and if you want your candidate to have the best chance of coming out on top, you need to get the word out. Check out our webinar recap to learn how to run billboard ads for your political campaign. Before long, it’ll […]

How to Build a Better Campaign
May 16, 2022
Best Practices, Strategy

How to Build a Better Campaign Learn a few tips and tricks to build a better billboard campaign with Blip! Are you interested in learning how to build a better Blip campaign? If so, then this blog post is for you! Whether you are looking to maximize your spend or are trying to achieve better […]

What Works and Doesn't
May 9, 2022
Ad Design, Best Practices

Design Elements to Include and What to Leave Out One of the most important parts of your billboard campaign is your billboard design! Without a quality, engaging billboard design, it will be more difficult to effectively reach consumers. As you work to design your billboard ad, you might be wondering what elements and details to […]

Budget Header
April 26, 2017
Best Practices

3 Tips to Set Your Daily Billboard Budget So you’re pumped to get your digital billboard campaign running, but you’re wondering what in the heck you should set for your daily advertising budget. Spending your business’ money wisely can feel overwhelming (trust us, we know). That’s why we’re here to help you down the budgeting […]

Thumbnails Resized
February 24, 2017
Best Practices

    Marketing your brand and product is a mutli-level process—it’s a balancing act unique to each business to get the right exposure and brand recognition you need. From paid online ads and organic search to social media posts and outdoor advertising, there’s a lot of “best practices” advice to remember. That’s why we’ve created […]

December 15, 2016
Best Practices

6 Easy Tips for Effective Billboard Design Getting the most bang for your buck while advertising is important. That’s why it’s vital for your Blip billboard ad to have a well-planned design that is right for both the medium and your customer. With billboards, you have about six to eight seconds to get your message […]

4 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Blip Billboards
December 5, 2016
Best Practices

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Blip Billboards The best thing about Blip digital billboards is that the power to make your ad successful is in your hands. Even if you have the perfect ad design, you won’t get the best return on your investment if the right people don’t see the ad. […]